watched tv造句的相关图片

watched tv造句

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用watched TV可以造什么句子

Last night, I watched TV before went to bed.昨天晚上在睡前看了电视。

用watch TV造一般现在时、一般过去式、现在完成时、

she watched TV last night. She have watched for 3 hours. She is watching TV. She was watching at 7 o'clock y...


father watched TV after dinner.My mother washed the clothes.I cleaned the room yesterday.The students played football in the playground.I visited my gra...

he watched tv.为什么用watched而不用watches?

He watches TV every night. 他每天晚上都在看电视。(表达一个习惯性动作)He watched TV last night. 他昨晚看了电视。(表达一个已完成的过去动作)所以在描述一...


father watched TV 爸爸在看电视 例句与用法 1. Do not idle away the hours watching tv .不把时间浪费在看电视上。2. Strange to say , he does n't like to...

用watched a tv 写三句话

He watched a TV yesterday.I watched aTV with my sister three hours ago.She watched a TV in the shopping center last Sunday.

请用用watch TV造句(15个左右)拜托啦!!

Let' s grab a quick sandwich and watch TV. Oh, nothing special. I read, watch TV or go to movies. Strange to say, he doesn't like to watch TV. Finish yo...

用went to a park和watched TV造句,一个过去式,一个

过去式He went to a park last week.I watched TV last night.现在式 He goes to a park every week.I watch TV every day.


I cleaned my room and watched TV.


I watched a football match.我看了一场足球比赛。

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